Sam Jam Creations: an experimentation... Look Out!
I love creating things from cooking, canning to sewing. My family regularly gets the results of my experiments as presents. (Sorry fam.)Check back often to see what my latest experimentation was and the inevitable humor that comes when I try new things. Enjoy!
Thursday, October 28, 2010
Butterfly Costume - Making the Pettiskirt
Sam Jam Creations – The logo
So comes the inception of SamJam Creations. I decided that since I enjoy doing it, I should start figuring out what I enjoy about it and maybe eventually I can follow the American Dream of doing what I love.
I created a logo and everything… does that make it official? Probably not, but at least it's something to put on the labels?
Saturday, October 2, 2010
Office 2010 Real Stories
I’m excited to announce that I will be testing out Microsoft Office 2010 for the next few months. I’ve already been using it for work but haven’t really been able to dig into the features that I would use in my day-to-day personal life. Just having it for a short time, one of the features that I’m really stoked about is the ability to bridge Microsoft Office with my blog. So instead of having to compose and edit my posts online, I can edit them in Windows Live Writer, with all the features like photo editing and inserting videos. I think this will really help me keep on track with the blogging thing, which I’ve obviously been relaxed about lately. One of my goals is to really make this blog something special where I can share all my crafting conquests and defeats. We’ll see. I think this is the start of something good.
Monday, June 28, 2010
Laina's 1st Birthday Party
I tried to make everything I could from the cupcake picks to the happy birthday pennant banner to the shrimp & watermelon ceviche. The light was incredible that day which meant all the pictures came out wonky. Enjoy nonetheless. I also have some links to the areas I got inspiration from below:
Inspiration list:
Tom Kat Studio for the cupcake picks
Tissue Paper Pom-Poms from Martha
Thursday, June 24, 2010
The Wedding Tree Guestbook
So when a close friend was getting married, and she's already prone to non-traditional things, I sought out creative things that I could help with. One thing I came across in my blog obsession aka affair was a wedding tree. I first saw it here. And after suggesting it to the bride and obtaining her approval, she gave me full rein to make this happen for her day.
I got a Michael's Coupon for 50% off canvases and combined that with a sale that was already going on... and voila! I had purchased 2 large canvases for about $3.
Next, I worked on painting the tree. I searched for a tree that I liked and printed it out to scale for the canvas. Then using a charcoal pencil I traced the outline of the tree. Flip that puppy over onto the canvas and I had a good start for painting the tree.
Pretty soon, she was a lookin' good!
I got a few pictures of the final product.
For the thumbprint "Leaf"s I purchased some ink in the colors of green, brown and a lime-ish shade. They worked really well.

Overall, it was a hit! And I think it's truly a guestbook that they will be able to enjoy for years to come. Only time will tell I guess. :)
If you want to see the rest of the pics from that day, you can see them at my personal family blog here.
Thursday, June 3, 2010
Camera Straps
I can follow instructions. As long as I can find a tutorial written for a total idiot then I can sew anything. A good recipe that doesn't include too many big words or fancy ingredients is all I need to make a good dinner.
Photography has always been something that is not that easy. You have to have an eye for the right image. I have chosen just to shoot about 4,000 images to get one I like. But nonetheless, I have a nice fancy camera that I use regularly. I made this strap cover with limited trouble. She had good instructions.
So after feeling a little success, I got brave. I texted my cousin who takes BEAUTIFUL pictures you can see here. I secretly covet her talent. I asked her if she needed a new camera strap (forgetting to include the word 'cover') and she enthusiastically said 'Yes!' and that she really needed one that was long enough to sling over her shoulder. She is into wedding season now and will be on her Pregnant feet all summer. So, I figured i could easily adapt the tutorial from Priddy Creations and make the full strap. I used a dog collar for the straps and cut up an old makeup bag for the end parts that attach the straps. I think she really liked it. Go me!
Next up, I think I'll give the ruffle camera strap a try with the U Create June Challenge!
Wednesday, June 2, 2010
Frozen Strawberry Jam
Strawberries are in season which means it's time to make a big batch of Frozen Strawberry Jam. After rave reviews from the family on this particular one, I've kept it in the rotation of things I make. Other ones, like the pear & cherry chutney have fallen by the wayside mostly because, in my personal opinion, it tasted like ass. Maybe I just don't like Chutney, or maybe it was awful chutney... either way, I'm giving away the last few jars to my friend (who for some reason liked it) and never going there again. There should be a guideline for people. "Try this recipe if you're weird and like weird things" instead of "this is the best recipe ever!" because the latter is just not true.
Ok, so this weekend I'm going to go buy a big mess of strawberries and put up the jam. I am one for following the recipe on the back of the package but I'm thinking I may try a little lavender or vanilla.... just because I think it sounds a little fancy.